Tuesday, December 23, 2014

December 21st-23rd

December 23, 2014

We had a short week but we had lots of fun!

At school this week we:

·        Reviewed all of the letters and letter sounds.  We know all of them now!

·        Introduced tapping

o   Tapping is Fundations’ way to blend words with three sounds.  The students say each sound separately and then blend the sounds together.  The students tap their index finger to thumb and say the first sound, middle finger to thumb saying the second sound and then ring finger to thumb while saying the third.  Then the students blend the sounds and say the word as they drag their thumb across the three fingers beginning with their index finger.

o   We will be further introducing this in January and I will be sending home more information.

·        Wrote about our New Year’s resolutions

·        Earned a recess on the playground

·        Learned about New Year’s Eve

·        Had Mr. H (Mrs. H’s husband) come in to read ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas!

·        Enjoyed our Party in the Box snack

·        Invited Mrs. Maxwell’s class to watch The Year without Santa Claus with us

I hope everyone has a fantastic vacation filled with fun, reading and learning!  Your children have made leaps and bounds over the past few months.  I am proud to be their teacher.  Thank you very much for the class gift and my first W.E.S.T star!

Enjoy the holiday break!  See you ‘next year’!

Miss Walsh
Mr. H reading to the boys and girls! Thank you Mr. H!

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